(Regd. Under the Karnataka Societies Registration 1960, Act. Registration
No: SOR-SJR 45/07-08)
Bengaluru, the capital of Karnataka is a cosmopolitan city and an IT hub. For little over a time had been a front runner in the field of medical care. With high population density and easy access from many large cities, the necessity of healthcare grew exponentially. Bengaluru has four academic institutions offering speech & hearing training program and a numerous practicing professionals to cater to the need of the people with communication disability. Not to say, it needs innumerous more professionals and successfully can accommodate them too, making it a destination of many speech and hearing professionals.
The Indian Speech and Hearing Association – Bengalooru Chapter (ISHA-BC) was formulated by practicing Speech and Hearing professionals in Bengaluru as a registered body under the Societies of Registration Act vide registration No: SOR-SJR 45/07-08 in 2007. The first EC of ISHA-BC was comprised of Dr. M.N.Nagraja as President, Mr. Javara Nayaka as General Secretary, Dr.B.S.Premalatha as Treasurer and the EC members were, Dr. N.Shivashankar, Dr. G.Purushothama, Dr.Reddy Shivaprasad, Mrs.Radhika Pooviah, Mrs.Naga Poornima and Ms.Rama. The above members were also the founder members and subscribers to the memorandum of ISHA-BC. The logo of ISHA-BC depicts the southern tower installed as the southern boundary of the Kingdom by the once gloried ruler of Bangalore, Kempe Gowda around 1537 AD.
The first President of ISHA-BC was installed by (Late) Dr.Vijayalakshmi Basavaraj, who was the President of ISHA for the year 2007-08, as well as former Director, AIISH, Mysore on 4th November 2007.
42nd ISHACON was a feather in the cap of ISHA-BC. It was organized at NIMHANS, Bangalore from 22-24th Jan 2010 with a pre-conference CEP on 21st Jan 2010. The chief patrons for the conference were Dr.D.Nagaraja, Director, NIMHANS and Dr.S.R.Chandrashekar, Founder Director, Dr S.R.Chandrashekar Institute of Speech and Hearing, Bengaluru. The ISHACON was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Sri. Suresh Kumar.S, Hon. Minister of Law & Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Karanataka in the presence of Nadoja Professor G. Venkatasubbiah, Lexoicographer, as guest of honor.
Various activities that have been conducted by the chapter from its inception till-date are given in the table. The chapter has been extending its financial support to the academic activities of the Speech and Hearing institutions in Bangalore. Recently, the chapter has compiled a directory of members of ISHA-BC.
“ISHA-BC with its energetic members under its wings promises to scale new heights”.
EC committee members
President |
Mr.M.S.J.Nayak |
Past President |
Dr.Madhuri Gore |
President elect |
Dr.N.Shivashankar |
Secretary |
Dr.Aravind Kumar R |
Treasurer |
Mr.M.Achaiah |
EC members |
Mr.SureshThontadarya |
Dr.Pradeep Y |
Mr.Avinash K |
Mr.PrasannaHegde |
Mr.Prasashthi R |
Mr.Vishal K |
Bengalooru Chapter
Dr. S R Chandrashekar Institute of Speech and Hearing (H.O)
Speech and Hearing Association Bihar state Branch was established in 2016 and since its inception has been working towards creating awareness & management of Speech, Language and Communication Disorders. There are about more than 100 life members registered with Speech and Hearing Association Bihar state Branch. To keep pace with the latest development in this specialty and to meet the increasing awareness of the patients, it also becomes imperative to keep ourselves updated with the latest trend in the field.
Speech and Hearing Association Bihar state Branch is going to organize 2nd Annual conference on 16 th and 17 th March 2019 for audiologists and Speech pathologists. We are expecting over 100 participants from Bihar and neighboring states. This will cover various topics on Speech, Language and Hearing sciences. Some of the topics are going to be attended by other professionals as well like pediatrics and ENT specialists as well. We have applied for the Continuing Rehabilitation Education status from Rehabilitation Council of India for this event.
Dr. Jawar Lal Sah
E-mail :
Mobile No : 9431457734
Shri Sanjay Kumar
Mobile No. 9973541131
Sr. No. |
Name and address |
Age Yrs. |
Designation |
Nationality |
Designation |
1. |
47 |
President |
Indian |
Associate Professor, Speech & Hearing Unit, ENT dept, PGIMER, Chandigarh |
2. |
53 |
Vice- President |
Indian |
Audiologist & Speech –Language Pathologist, PRAYAAS,
Sector 38, |
3. |
37 |
Secretary |
Indian |
Lecturer, Speech & Hearing Unit, ENT dept, PGIMER, Chandiagrh |
4. |
53 |
Treasurer |
Indian |
Tutor, Speech & Hearing Unit, ENT dept, PGIMER, Chandiagrh |
5. |
33 |
Joint Secretary |
Indian |
Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist, Fortis Hospital, Mohali |
6. |
47 |
Executive Committee- |
Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist, PRAYAAS,
Sector 38, |
7. |
43 |
Executive Committee- |
Indian |
Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist, |
8. |
26 |
Executive Committee- |
Indian |
Audiologist & Speech Language Pathologist, ENT dept, GMCH, Sector 32, Chandigarh |
Professionals working in the fields of speech language pathology and audiology having their common geographic location of Dakshina Kannada have joined together to form Dakshina Kannada speech and hearing association. (DKSHA) The association has been registered vide registration number – of Karnataka societies act 1969. The registered office is located ar Dr. M.V. Shetty college of speech and hearing Maladi court, Panjemogaru, Mangalore 575013.
Aims and objectives of association;
To encourage scientific study of the process involved in speech-language and
Hearing, to promote investigation of speech language and hearing disorders,
foster improvement of therapeutic procedures for such disorders, to
stimulate exchange of information among the persons thus engage and
disseminate such information.
The management of association;
The affairs of the association shall be managed by an executive council (EC)
consisting of twelve members elected at the annual general body (AGB)
meetings and in accordance with the rules and regulations of the association
annexed here with
Office bearers are;
EC members for the year 2016—18
Dr. Jayashree S. Bhat
Mobile: 9900514692
Mr. Akhilesh P.M.
Mobile: 9448260826
Correspondence Address
Dr. M. V. Shetty College of Speech and Hearing,
Vidyanagar, Panjimogaru,
Delhi Branch of Indian Speech and Hearing Association
Registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860
Registration No: S/2194/2019
The Delhi Branch of Indian Speech and Hearing Association (Delhi-ISHA) was registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 by practicing Speech and Hearing professionals of Delhi on 28th November 2019.
Although activities under DISHA started since 2017; the team worked relentlessly towards creating community awareness, prevention, identification and intervention of communication disorders through camps, street plays, surveys, social medial publicity etc. The association is also actively involved in synchronizing with respective government officials for the best practices.
Thirst Area:
Executive Council
President: Mr. Lovedeep Kholia
Vice President: Mr. Vijay Aggarwal
General Secretary: Mr. Jitendra Kumar Saini
Joint Secretary: Mr. S.M. Tarique Najeeb
Treasurer: Mr. Prabhash Kumar
EC Members
Mr. Aniket Gupta
Ms. Kalyani
Mr. Rishi Gupta
Ms. Sneha Bansal
Ms. Iera kaul
Ms. Tanvi
Mailing Address:
General Secretary
Mr. Jitendra Kumar Saini
15/76, Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi 110060,
Ph: 7678425008
DISHA website link:
Year of inception: 2005
Mr. Jitendra Patel
Mr. Jignesh G Thakker
Email :
The Kerala State Branch of Indian Speech, Language &
Hearing Association (ISHA-KSB) was born on 31st December 2003 with the aim
of streamlining the professional activities and to provide state of the art
care to the speech and hearing impaired population. ISHA- Kerala State
Branch is a registered body under societies registration act XX! Of 1860
with Reg. No. S. No: 1227/2003.
We, the ISHA-KSB, have procured an office-space in the heartland of Cochin
in Heavenly Plaza, Civil Line Road, Chembumukku, Kakkanadu on 22nd May,
This is the moment that each one of us must be proud of as we have been the
first Speech and Hearing Association in the country to own an independent
office of the association.
Mr. Balakrishnan E.P
Mr. Biju Varma
Mr. Majun P.P
Mrs. Manju Thomas
Mr. Manoj M
Mr. Sameer P
Mr. Sanjay S
Mr Sasidharan P
It's a very long felt need of all concerned professionals, in the scientific field of Speech language and Hearing to have on association of our own in the state of Kerala, and this publication of association Memorandum followed with the registration process at the societies Registers office, fulfills. The dream of every speech language and hearing professionals leading to the emergence of ISHA - KERALA STATE BRANCH in 2003 by our senior members.
The formation of ISHA- KERALA STATE BRANCH, is the right step forward, in the right direction, at the most crucial movement, in bringing all the Speech - Language and hearing professionals in from the state of Kerala, for the better prospects of our profession and professionals.
Aims and Objectives of the Association:
1. By encouraging basic scientific research and experimental work in Speech
& Hearing.
2. By holding scientific discussion and reading papers related to the field
of Speech language and Hearing.
3. By watching and advising on legislation affecting speech & Hearing
specialists, and the persons affected with Speech & Hearing
4. By bringing together members of the association periodically at the
convention and continuing educational programs, seminars, and workshops, and
in general by working for alleviating the problems of Speech & Hearing-
afflicted population in the State of Kerala.
5. By receiving donation, and contributions from members as well as from
generous public and by holding the same in trust for any particular purpose
purposes, for the advancement of the field of Speech Language &
6. By cooperating with the medical and allied associations, connected with
Speech Language & Hearing in the State of Kerala for the promotion of
the field.
7. By making subsidiary rules and regulations of the association and to
delete after and amend or add to the same as and when necessary for purpose
of better management.
8. To refrain member audiologists and speech language pathologists from unlawful practices and protect them professionally from quacks.
Other main objectives:
a) To look into malpractice of the professional when brought into notice by the members and issue notice to the concern individuals including in malpractice and shall constitute and enquiry commission if need be shall submit report and recommendation for action to the EC of ISHA Kerala State Branch.
b) To evolve mandatory standards in the training programmes in the state of Kerala.
c) To strengthen the services for the speech, language and hearing disabled.
d) To support NGOs involved in the rehabilation of speech and hearing disabled.
e) To liaison with the Government of Kerala and R.C.I, in policy matters.
f) To evolve minimum evolution protocol to be used with patients.
g) To formulate and conduct CRE for professionals
h) To inform members about various Government Acts relevant to our profession.
i) To evolve code of ethics in practice time to time.
For taking a membership of ISHA ksb please follow the link
Executive Committee Members :
KSB EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS 2018 – 2021(click here to view)
Guidelines prescribing minimum standards for registration of Therapy Centres in Kerala
MISHA started as the alumni group of Speech & Hearing Professionals of T.N. Medical College, Nair Hospital, Mumbai. Later registered as Maharashtra Branch of ISHA. MISHA is actively organizing conferences, workshops and webinars to update the clinical skills of professionals since 2000.
Regional conference of MISHACON, is held every alternate year since 2005. Recently, MISHA has instituted 'Dissertation Awards' to encourage budding researchers (post-graduate students of the academic institute within Maharashtra) to carry out quality research.
MISHA has undertaken two projects:-
MISHA's drive against malpractice in the field of Speech & Hearing continues by forwarding complaints to RCI, Disability Commissioner of Maharashtra state and ISHA. MISHA has created 'MISHA Members Page' on Website, where members can post material for Advocacy of profession.
MISHA has successfully organized three ISHA conventions in the past, under the able guidance of their office bearers and none the less Mr. R.K. Oza, who has always been the driving force of MISHA body.
Registration Certificate of the Branch / Chapter
Mrs. Alpana Pagare - President
Mrs. Suchita Oak - President Elect
Ms. Shabnam Khan - Past President
Dr. Pallavi Kelkar - Secretary
Mrs. Archana Acharya - Treasurer
Mrs. Sneha Kulkarni Sardesai - EC Member
Mrs. Priya Bhale - EC Member
Mr. Daniel Johnas - EC Member
2001-Mumbai |
2009-Pune |
2016- Mumbai |
Photo Gallery
Secretary address and contact details
Secretary- Ms. Suchita Oak,
Registered address-
C/o- MISHA, 501, Diwani Mahal, Gulmohur Road No. 1, JVPD Scheme, Juhu,
Mumbai 400049.
Email id-
President – Dr. B. Rajashekhar ( )
Vice-president – Dr. Venkataraja AIthal U( )
Secretary – Dr. Hari Prakash P(
Treasurer – Dr. G. Kanaka ( )
EC members – Dr. Kishan M M( )
Sunila John(
Ms. Rekha Patil( )
The Indian Speech and Hearing Association Mysore Chapter (MyISHA)
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
Manasagangothri, Mysuru - 570006.
UP-ISHA branch, \
#538/925, Triveni Nagar,
Behind Jai Hind Guest House,
Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226020
Pradesh Branch Bylaws (click
here to view)