

An Audiologist belongs to an integrated health care profession in India.

An Audiologist is a qualified professional who provides a comprehensive array of professional services related to the identification, diagnosis and management of persons with auditory (peripheral and central disorders), balance and related disorders, and the prevention of these impairments.

Clinical Services: Audiology

Clinical and/or instrumental screening, assessment, identification, diagnosis and management of:

  • Hearing disorders in infants, children, adults and geriatrics involving both peripheral and central pathways of hearing
  • Tinnitus, hyperacusis and Balance disorders.
  • To deliver the above clinical services, behavioral, psychoacoustic, and electrophysiological measures related to the peripheral and central auditory systems may be used. Assessment of the vestibular system includes administration and interpretation of behavioral and electrophysiological tests of balance.
  • Assessment, selection, dispensing, validation, verification and servicing of individual amplification devices and ear moulds. The individual amplification devices include individual hearing aids (analogue and digital hearing aids), implantable devices (cochlear implant and brainstem implant), bone-anchored devices and frequency altering devices.
  • Assessment, selection and development of other appropriate hearing assistive devices and (re)habilitation regimes for individuals with hearing impairment, balance dysfunction, tinnitus and/or related disorders. The devices include assistive technology such as FM systems, induction loop systems, tinnitus maskers, tinnitus treatment devices, etc. Rehabilitation regimes include adult and child aural (re)habilitation, speech reading, tinnitus re-training, vestibular (re)habilitation, etc.
  • Intraoperative monitoring.
  • Medical legal consultation.
Practice Settings

Audiologists work in a variety of settings, including but not limited to:

  • Health care settings (including hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, medical rehabilitation centers, mental health facilities),
  • Regular and special schools,
  • Early intervention programs/ Multi disciplinary rehabilitation centers,
  • Industrial settings,
  • Hearing aid and cochlear implant manufacturers,
  • Manufacturers of devices/prosthesis for individuals with communication and swallowing disorders,
  • Universities/colleges and their clinics,
  • Professional associations,
  • State and central government agencies and institutions,
  • Research centers, and
  • Private practice settings
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